Day One as CP. Thank you.

Day 1,540, 01:24 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

I just wanted to take the time to thank all who voted for me. I will do my best this month to ensure our nations continued stability, and make steps to increase our diplomatic presence on the world stage.

As you can well imagine, it has been a very busy time, as my cabinet begin the busy schedule that working for me entails. Their task is very simple, to make me look good, and I am sure that they will.

Already we have made progress in many aspects of Governance, organized to add Cyprus to our MPP stack, and continued our Training War with eNZ. Our Budget will be submitted shortly, including a slight increase to the ADF and +1 MPP.

While I would truly like to write a essay, I find my mind is on other matters so I ask that you forgive me this time. With so much I need to do, I have to weigh up publicity with running the nation. I have many meetings to attend to, new cabinets to meet, and some old friends who have been waiting for this day to come.

Our allies have taken a sigh of relief. They know where I stand beyond doubt, they know where we as a nation stand. If they ask we will be there, if they don't ask we will be there. They understand now that the will of the people is clear.