Creating a Newspaper Writing an Article[MOE]

Day 2,153, 09:59 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Hello again dear eMalaysia it is semi friendly and sometimes informative Ministry of Education.

Creating a Newspaper

If you do not have a already have a newspaper you can create one from your profile by selecting the the media tire in your profile. (in the image I already have a newspaper so I can't create another one)

In order to create a Newspaper you need to have 2 gold and have reached level 9. If you meet these requirements that you will be able to make a name for your newspaper, up to 25 characters only letters, as well as add an Avatar for your newspaper.

The Uses of a Newspaper

A newspaper can be used for anything that you, as the player want to write about. It is generally used to write about political events, campaigns, battle orders, player experiences, contests, current erepublik events, and various other purposes.

It is truly up to the player what they use their newspaper for.

Writing an Article

Here it is the bread and butter, writing an article. To write an article you need to select your newspaper from your profile, shown above and then click the Write Article button.

One you click the write article button you will be taken to a blank slate which is your new unwritten unpublished article. There are various buttons that can to make your article more then just a bunch of words.

The following is a simple article with explanations of what the various words and symbols will translate to.

Now that we have the article written and have an idea of what all of the symbols will translate to lets go ahead and view a preview to see how it will look.

Alright it looks the way that we expected it to look. The image got through, everything is underlined, bolded, and italic that should be, the link is working and the proper thing got a strike.

Avoiding a Wall of Text

Now that you have a better idea of technical parts of writing an article lets talk about the finer point of avoiding a wall of text. First of all what is a wall of text?

A wall of text can be defined in two ways. Either an relatively long "block" words with no spacing in between making it extremely difficult to read or, in the context of erepublik newspapers, a relatively long article with no pictures making it extremely difficult to read.

Even if it doesn't seem right for a particular article due to the seriousness of it Every Erepublik Article should have Images. If for no other reason than to break up a wall of text. An image helps to add some life to the words you write. It helps to make a point more clear or to add punctuation to a certain theme.

It is what helps an article to not be so plain and boring.

Keeping the Reader Attention

It is almost impossible to keep a readers attention with any article that is beyond a few paragraphs. These articles are just too long for the average player to read. I'm not saying anything against really long articles but

At a certain point most people, especially me, are just going to stop reading. You need to make your point in an article in way that is not too long. By the same merit it should be more than a few sentences.

The Art of Image Searching

Images are what helps to keep an article interesting they are what helps to keep the reader reading the article.

But how does one find the proper image for the proper situation? Say for example I need an image that will compliment the statement: "Those eSerbians are ruining the game. They won't let anyone else win."

Well you might auto matically look up "sore loser", or "cheater" but you won't really find a whole lot of funny images concerning the topic of being a "sore loser" or a "cheater". You need to look up topics in media that are related to someone being a sore loser or a cheater.

For example I know that Gaston from Disney's Beauty and the Beast is a sore lose so I searched "gaston gif" and eventually foun😛

When searching for an image you generally have to use your own knowledge of the media to find someone who is doing something related to the thing you are looking for.

Keep in Mind

Also something important to note. Be sure to be courteous of your audience. While it is fun to poke fun at them sometimes you should not do thing that openly and hostiley insult them or their beliefs.

Further Reading and References:
Erepublik Wiki

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