CP Update day 1151

Day 1,151, 20:18 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

First off I apologize for Rolo. Yea he's an ass but what can I do? We'll see on that one.

I wish I had exciting news to report but meh. Sorry I'm not of the type of person that can turn bullturds into gold. The budget has been completed and presented to congress this morning. Negotiations are continuing with Panam and we are still working with EDEN atm. Yep nothing exciting.

Do not fall for the ploy of Rolo though. He got control of the defense paper and is being an ass to the extreme. For safety sakes only believe what is posted as the campaign of the day. Only the CP account can set or change that, it can't be faked.

Better news is set to come soon but in the meantime, be smart, be safe.