CP Throne speech or I got elected so I guess I got to write something.

Day 2,970, 13:56 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

First off I would like to thank everyone who voted for me.

I want you to know I will keep every promise I made running up to this election.


I’m pretty much done arranging the positions but I’m still waiting to find a MoD. I guess this is why you should arrange these details before the election. This does give me a topic for my next article though.

People complain about CP’s not writing enough but be careful what you wish for. Former CP and player Oinyo once gave us a daily update which involved mainly telling us what he ate for breakfast and how his shave turned out.


As Chocci so eloquently put recently and worth sharing with you all here is we only have three options:

"1) We really don't give an inch, launching constant RWs and NEing Albania any chance we have. This could lead to a long term wipe." (I would change the word “could” to “would”)

"2) Don't make a deal with Colin and accept whatever regions he gives back to us. Launch occasional RWs as distractions and for TP medals without expecting any actual victories. Basically the status quo decided by Colin with eCanada saving some face by not negotiating but not really fighting tooth and nail."

"3) Make a deal with Colin, probably getting the exact same regions as in option 2 because he'll be deciding while also getting whatever rent money he decides to throw our way."

None of those options are particularly good.

In order to make a decision as a group we need to know exactly what is behind option 3.

A deal has been on the table for months but there has been zero negotiation from our side because we are stubborn like that. Make no mistake though, we already have a deal of sorts with Albania or we would be wiped.

I don’t intend on making any decisions for you but I do intend on letting you know what exactly we are talking about in a deal. I have seen some outrageous rent figures thrown around.

Our goal:

Our goal is to get Albania to move on. The best way to this goal, I see, is let them have their corner and ignore them. They will have to do something eventually. Players are here to play. I know they had been wiped for a long time before Colin took them under his wing, but just being on the map is never enough for very long. They have a door to Europe and a full Air strike fund.

Go off into the world little Albania. Fly!

Yours Respectfully,

Exalted Druid
CP of eCanada