Country President election - The candidates(February - March 2015)

Day 2,633, 10:47 Published in Belgium Belgium by tommot
Country President election - The candidates(February - March 2015)

These are the candidates you can choose from:

◘ _ MaartenW from Union-Unie and supported by The Belgian Dream, All TOgethers, EclypsiaBE.
These are the articles he wrote on his candidacy:
[MaartenW] Candidature announcement
[MaartenW] CP program

◘ _ CendaBG from Liberation Front and supported by Belgium Democratic party
These are the articles he wrote on his candidacy:
CendaBG for president!(first article)

Extra note: Due to a technical problem on the computer i used for publishing this article i was unable to provide the avatars of the candidates.

Here it is, these are our choices.
Read there articles and there comments, it could help you make a good decision.
Remember that whomever you choose, they will be your voice and if elected even the voice of all eBelgians.
Please do vote and/or subscribe