Consider this a Challenge, USWP

Day 971, 11:09 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Today, I became the first person to ever be elected to the position of USWP President four times. Thank you.


You will see very little differences in the Executive Board. I know a good team when I see one and I make it a point to surround myself with amazing people. This should not come as a surprise to you. Here is a list of my Executive Board for the next month:

Chief of Staff:Fionia
Deputy Chief of Staff: Serendipitous

DCoS/PAC Director: Lord Pariah
Dep. PAC Director: SVV
Congressional Whip: George S. Patton Jr.

Director of Member Services: Civil Anarchy
Dep. Member Services Director: Patches O'Houlihan

Director of Communications and Public Affairs (CPA): Killerballerina
Deputy CPA Director: S3RO

Militia Commander (Interim): Clemens
Militia Executive Officer: GreekHoplite


I am sure that you have already gotten a mass message in your inbox recently, and let me make this point clear, the USWP does want you!At the last party president elections, the USWP had the highest voter turnout with nearly 300 people placing their votes, mostly for me. What this tells me is that USWP has an active group of “two-clickers”, ready to get more active in the party.


There are many ways to help out the USWP and get more active in party operations;

1. Run for Congress or Sign Up as a Blocker in the Congressional Elections
- Be A Candidate -
- Be A Blocker -

2. Work for the USWP
As the largest party in the USA; there are tons of things to do. For example, party members like Laxsnor and Rivere123 have stepped up to do party work with the USWP Communications division.

3. Be a Mobile Voter
Want to make sure the right party members get into Congress so that they can represent you?

4. Get on the USWP Chat on Rizon IRC
With over 1400 members, it is tough to get to know everyone. The absolute best way to meet the party is by visiting the USWP Chat. If you are well versed at IRC, just head over to; if not click on the link and get to talking with fellow USWP members.

5. Register on the USWP Forums
The USWP Forums are at If you have any issues registering, please contact me through eRepublic message with your e-mail address so I register you manually.

Nearly 300 people voted in our party election for USWP President. If 20% of you are already active and another 10% get active, that is 90 active people. I challenge you - as a party - to meet that goal! Show everyone - all those who doubt - that USWP is the best and most active political party in the USA and eRepublik as a whole.

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...