Connors for Congress:: New York: October 2011

Day 1,434, 09:44 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

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I am Jude Connors... and I am running for Congress in New York.

There are more than two sides to every story. Unfortunately, the political climate of the eUSA today has gotten extreme. One side fights in opposition of the new tax code; the other full-heartedly supports the new tax code. Lost in the fight is the middle ground.


Imagine a Congress that debates instead of argues. Imagine a Congress that comes to a compromise instead of instituting drastic changes that may or may not be the right decision. Imagine working together for the best interests of the nation instead of partisan politics. If elected, my top goal is to help Congress find a way to compromise to a middle ground agreement in which everyone can agree. A united nation is stronger than a divided nation and a united Congress is stronger than a divided Congress.

My experience in Leadership and Government consists of:

• current Chief Petty Officer (acting Lieutenant) in SEAL Team 6.
• current Vice President of the Libertarian Party.
• current Deputy White House Press Secretary.
• seven-time Congressman in the eUSA.
• three-time Congressional Leadership.
• four-time United States Workers Party President.
• two-time Chairman of the Socialist Freedom Party Revolutionary Committee.
• Co-Minister of Defense of ePhilippines.
• former Quartermaster of the eUSArmy (Lieutenant Colonel).
• three-time eUSA Secretary of the Interior.
• eUSA Ambassador to eHungary.
• various other Cabinet and party positions.

Military and Militia Funding

Funding to the military and militia groups needs to be tweaked. In addition, the Arm America program needs funding. Fair funding should take into consideration the amount of damage inflicted upon the enemy. Current OMS funding gives an equal amount of funding to each militia it supports. It would be more cost-effective to give greater funding to the militias that cause more damage. With ONE once again poised to attempt to wipe the eUSA off the map, isn't damage inflicted of the utmost importance?

In addition, Arm America needs to be funded. With the loss of funding allocated to the Department of Interior's new citizen programs, Arm America offers the best opportunity for the youngest and weakest of eAmericans to make a difference and gain much needed battle experience. The Arm America program also engages the population that would otherwise not be involved, strengthening the eUSA.

Congressional Transparency

I have always been a proponent of greater transparency of government. As a Congressman, I would fight to make more use of the Public Congressional Proceedings for day-to-day discussions of Congress. At the very least, ALL Proposal Voting threads should be public.

Can I Get Your Support?
I ask for the opportunity to try to make a difference. If you agree, join me in moving to New York and be ready to cast that vote. In fact, if you are willing to pledge your vote to me, please let me know or fill out this form. Your vote may be needed to defend the eUSA against a foreign (or even domestic) political attack.

Please vote for Jude Connors for Congress in New York on October 25th!

SUPPORTERS: Please fill out this form to help.

Omnia Vincit Amor. Even death.

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