Congratulations PrincessMedyPi and Justinious (Summary Added)

Day 424, 20:14 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

Congratulations MedyPi and Justin on your beautiful wedding, may eUSA wish thee the happiest of days in your long eLives to come.

Summary of events:
There was quite a bit of pre ceremony chatter, which was abruptly ended with Justinious's announcement that the ceremony was to being.

The ceremony continued (Transcript here:

After the ceremony is when things began to get odd, the cake was being cut when all of the sudden a plasma grenade landed nearby and "AlienInvader" showed up.

Most of the crowd was by now quite drunk. AlienInvader continued to fire and terrorize but the celebrating crowd could not do much to fight back.

Out of nowhere, I assume some pandemic broke out because there was large talk of Anti-Viruses, (e.g Norton stopzilla, etc etc)

I managed to get people back on the topic of the wedding when the Aliens called back up and AlienInvader2 showed up.

I proceeded to call blackup when suddenly Will Shafer screams that he has been shot when the Alien decided to spare Maeve_T for the fact she is wimminz.

Nomad protested the shooting and a long debate ensuing what it means to officially be shot

Somebody pulled out a twister mat and suggested a match, but I truly believe all participants were too drunk to tell if they were on the right color if they were able to stay on their feet at all.

Then all of a sudden Justin was seen running for a limo with MedyPi, I tried to hold back the paparazzi as best as I could, but a few got through.

The Aliens disappeared but no one seemed to care or notice, and a long conversation going over the battle scars that Nomad and Will S. have followed

Quite an exciting night, how many weddings have you seen all that at?

P.S When can we expect little McWalburgsons?