Come Together

Day 1,310, 11:39 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

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Two days ago, President Glove urged all eAmericans "to move to California and request moving supplies to do so." Today, California is held by Indonesia and the same displaced citizens that were asked to move there are once again displaced.

I didn't understand the strategy then and I still don't now. Three versions ago, this would have been a good move, but with the Fortress strategy now a thing of the past, I just didn't get it. I'm not knocking Glove; I think he is an excellent CP and I did, in fact, vote for him. I just think we need a better strategy.

It is time for ALL of the fighting forces in the eUSA to come together. Just recently, the Commander of the Ultramarines, Vanek26, made an official Announcement from Ultramarines HQ stating the merger of the Ultramarines and the United States Armed Forces.

Now I am not a member of either one of those groups, I am a a member of Seal Team 6; but I come to you today, not as a SEAL, but as a concerned eAmerican and I applaud the decision of both the USAF and the Ultramarines. The ability to put egos aside and overlook the butthurt feelings to come to a decision that is in the best interest of the eUSA is a step in the right direction, but we still need more.


The National Security Council is supposed to be the group we turn to right now. Consisting of the eUSA President, the NSC Director, the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, the USAF leadership, and commanders of militia groups; this group is charged with coordinating our various fighting forces in order to maximize eUSA's damage. Unfortunately, when you add so many people to a group, ePeens waggle and in-fighting makes the entire group as flaccid as John Penn.

EGOS NEED TO BE PUT IN CHECK! In 24 hours, the eUSA has lost not only California, but also Florida. This is a huge loss to the moral of eAmericans and a symbolic victory for ONE. The loss of both "Sunshine States" should serve as an example of the dark days to come.

Despite articles that fall on blind eyes and deaf ears calling for eAmericans to unite against our enemies, egos still continue to bring forth our destruction. Morrigan Alexandros hits the nail on the head with the beginning of her article "Ready to stop the bitching and start the fighting";

We are being wiped while some continue hate campaigns. It is time to stop bitching. It is time to stop trying to find someone to blame.

Want to know who to blame? BLAME YOURSELF! If you aren't fighting as much as you can - BLAME YOURSELF! If you don't belong to an organized fighting force - BLAME YOURSELF! If you continue to participate in the petty bickering that seems to be strangling our attempts at any victory - BLAME YOURSELF!

Some people are looking for and offering some sort of solution. I ask ALL eAMERICANS to try to come up with some solutions, since the powers that be seem to be befuddled. I ask these same leaders to look at ALL SUGGESTIONS and come up with a plan.

In my opinion, Congress needs to give financial support to not only the United States Armed Forces, which... sorry to say... cannot inflict the damage that we need... but ALL MILITIAS - including the eUS Military.

Put the egos and butthurt in check and do what is right for eAmerica! We ALL know the widely-publicized feud between Congress and the eUS military, but look at the damage they can do. In addition, fund Seal Team 6... fund Easy Company... fund Bear Cavalry!!! Hell, even fund the American Eagle Division... OUR SURVIVAL IS AT STAKE HERE!!!

RAISE TAXES - DO IT NOW - RAISE THEM ALL!!! We need money to pay for our defense. Do it immediately... while we still have a nation! I personally see maybe a week left for the eUSA if things continue on the path they are following. We have no time to waste. Raise ALL taxes and get some money in the coffers.

If you don't belong to an organized military unit, check out IJLIV's article that has links to just about all of them. Only united together will we continue to exist as a nation! Do it eAmerica! Now more than ever, we need to COME TOGETHER!

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