Coalition Stalls Canadian Democracy - What's next?

Day 1,681, 13:30 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks.

As you may have heard, EPIC has been PTO'd. I personally believe the party's demise was imminent. The road EPIC was following would have lead to its collapse regardless of Rolo's plans.

EPIC was a party that had no order, no common goal. It was a party where everyone does as they please with no commonly desired outcome. EPIC wouldn't have lasted too much longer as #1 party anyway. I was planning a campaign to run as Party President and reform the party, to rebuild it into a focused party with a common goal, and strong hierarchy, however, It's looking more and more like EPIC won't be freed from the totalitarian clutches of the Coalition any time soon.

So, my attention then turned to the AFK party. They have come out of nowhere, and are essentially the only free thinking top 5 party left in eCanada at this time. They are gearing up to become this big resistance movement, however, I don't think they'll succeed with their current platform.

Since my plans with EPIC have fallen apart, my contingency plan is to do one of two things:

1) Run for PP of the AFK and, if I win, remodel the party.


2) Run for PP in a very small, next to non existent party, build it up, ask the AFK to form a coalition of our own, and go from there.

I would simply buy a Party, but I spent all my gold on that stupid rocket factory. Never the less, I have aspirations to lead eCanada out of this dark age that it has been in for the past 18 months. I want eCanada to return to its glory days. This is only possible with the help of the public. Whichever path I choose to take, Rally behind me, eCanada. Let's free our motherland from the Iron Fist of Chancellor Rylde's New Canadian Reich!

This is the new symbol of Canadian Resistance.

Once I have my MU opened too, this will be the banner.