CANAM war 2012 - The possible beginning of WWVI

Day 1,701, 23:10 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you must know by now that the CANAM war has officially been approved by US congress. This means that come tomorrow, we will be at war with our bros to the south.

I still use the term bros because there are many USA citizens willing to fight on our side to repel the incoming Yankee forces. As well, because our NE prop has failed in congress, we will keep our MPP's, and the USA will lose those that are mutually shared with us. This puts us at a bit of an advantage where by we may have more support in our wars.

This being said, there are two potential events that could snatch away this advantage before we can properly utilize it. These events are Spain gaining control of Azores, and/or UK freeing itself from french control long enough to start a war with eCanada.

Now, I doubt that the UK will be able to start a canadian war, however, if Spain gains a border with us, given the entire CTRL scandal, I'm pretty sure they will be more than willing to begin an invasion on canadian soil, resulting in a two pronged attack on canada. Now, before I started writing this article, I set my Regiment's DO's to Azores, and posted a link to the battle on the CAF MU feed. I also encourage you all to help fight in Azores to prevent a border.

Spain planned this out perfectly. Invade Azores while majority of canucks sleep away, and once they wake up, they will be faced with a war on two fronts. This, however, also gives us an advantage in one sense. The USA will likely not start a war with us until morning because majority of both nations players share the same time zones. This will allow all awake Canucks to fight for Portugal, and still be able to repel the Yankees come dawn.

If all goes well, we may just make it through this clusterf***... Good luck Canucks, Allies, And Bro's to the south.

My friend made this a few mins ago... It's kinda bland, but worth the watch... (It's a hitler subtitle of Evry and the CANAM war)