Canada vs. Sweden

Day 1,300, 20:56 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

If you read the international media, you would have seen this article the last couple days. In it he publicizes which has a ton of interesting information, charts and graphs.

For instance:

Canada has 1,747 citizens in the New World.
Over 51% of our population has been in the New World over a year.
Almost 33% have been in Canada less than three months.

Canada averages just over 700 fighters a day (703.9, although the last few days has seen almost 100 more fighters on our side).
The potential military might Canada can generate (fighting all health with Q5 weapons) is 43,814,800. Our last day of fighting generated 27,593,520 influence (63% efficiency).

Sweden has 2,008 citizens in the New World.
Only 31% of their population has been in the New World over a year (we often think of Sweden in terms of older, long time players).
55% of their population has been alive for less than three months marking a great opportunity for growth.

Sweden averages less than us in terms of daily fighters (692.5).
The potential military might of Sweden (fighting all health with Q5 weapons) is 31,994,500. In the last reporting day they generated 13,064,550 influence (41% efficiency).

Canada dealt the 15th most damage of all nations in the New World.
For the same reporting day Sweden ranked 24th.

The Swedish victories have come courtesy of her allies (and Rylde).