Canada Speaks - January *57 respondents so far*

Day 1,521, 18:56 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Whenever something interesting happens, I'm always curious to know what people are thinking. A President announcing a desire to quit and a debate over impeachment certainly qualifies.

Initially I had conceptualized a series of surveys (perhaps 2 a month, perhaps more depending on participation rates) to measure how well people believe our elected officials are doing. Very often public opinion appears to be shaped by those that speak the loudest and most often, but what does the silent majority think. A survey can be a good way to engage all types of citizen.

Let's start small. Below is a link to 11 questions. They literally take a minute at most to answer. The survey will accept answers for as long as this article is up at which point I will see a preliminary set of answers and decide if further time is required to collect more.

I want to assure everyone that all answers will be strictly confidential. I even intend on creating an IDkey when processing the data so that the profile link will be for validation only. Results will be published in the following week.

Your votes help as well as sharing the link with others.

**UPDATE as of 06:40 server time, day 1523: 57 responses.**

Thank you.