Canada Speaks, February Country President Edition

Day 1,529, 21:38 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Greetings Canada!

Congress elections are over and that means that the race for Country President is officially on. Already we are seeing citizens putting their names forward for your consideration. Some even have details to share with you to convince you to support them.

Following a successful first survey run last week, The Freeholder Press means to measure and track voting intentions as well as poll citizens on who they believe is best suited for the job and what they believe are the most important questions facing the country going forward.

We want to stress that all answers will be kept strictly confidential. No individual answers will be shared with the candidates or with the public.


Also, as an added incentive to participate and with the goal of reaching 100 unique respondents or more, we will be donating $50 to each citizen that successfully completes the survey.

So vote, participate and share the link with your friends. Canada speaks, we are listening!

**UPDATE** Received 61 valid responses so far as of 16:32 server time on Day 1531. Donations made. Thank you.