Burundanga2016 Needs Your Vote Today!

Day 3,120, 10:09 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

the ALP's leader, Anthony have encouraged eArmenians to vote for Burundanga2016 as President of eArmenia today.

He needs your vote today so that he can reshape eArmenia and to save it from another illegal Iranian occupation.

3 reasons why he needs your vote:

1. He been working very hard to reshape eArmenia and to save it from another collapse

2. He a fierce critic of Iran and he's trying to spread the truth about Iran's evil activities to every eArmenian and to every minority living in eArmenia!

3. He has a strong partner, the Armenian Labour Party that is willing to support him , his AHC party and our homeland 100% fully.

So please, vote for Burundanga2016 as your President of eArmenia today and let's make a difference for eArmenia so that eArmenia can be stronger, safer and secured for future generations. Thank You!