Burundanga2016 Needs Your Help by Voting for Him Today!

Day 3,120, 13:27 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

Burundanga2016 needs your help by voting for him so that he can change eArmenia and to make it stronger, safer and secured for future generations. If he doesn't win, then something will happen to eArmenia very bad so to avoid eArmenia collapsing, all eArmenians will have to vote for him because he's the trusted 1 and he will protect our homeland everyday with an iron fist.

So far, he has already got 9 votes so far(still putting him in 2nd place), making him getting 25% of the total nationwide vote. He need your vote so that the number of votes will increase from time to time until the elections are over tomorrow.

So we need you and every eArmenian to vote for him so that he can help save eArmenia from another illegal Iranian occupation/rule. Thank You for Your Understanding and Your Generous Support of Him.

Vote for Burundanga2016 as President of eArmenia today!! This is an very important day for all eArmenians! Please vote for him and don't listen to the AFP and the other phony parties in eArmenia who are trying to scam the minds of every eArmenian and every minority living in eArmenia.