Bring the boys back home

Day 1,544, 07:50 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

The eUK is in dire straits with no land our companies can not employ citizens. Many of our workers toil for foreign currencies or abandon the eUK completely.

While I recognise the need to support our allies because without them we can not hope to regain all of the eUK. It's vitally important to secure part of our homefront.

Let's concentrate on the securing Northern Ireland and Scotland for at least a solid week before we spend our time fighting abroad. If our allies are true allies they will understand and give us leave to gain land and provide employment for our citizens.

Having land of our own will give new eUK citizens somewhere to arrive and recover our failing economy. We can then return to giving support to our allies where and when needed.

If you support this idea vote this article, let the elected powers of the eUK know they are failing us. We want a country!

You can also support the average eUK citizen by joining the Workers' Rights Party.

Bring the boys back home, home is where the war is!

Thanks for reading.

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Current Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Member of the Liberty Military Unit
