Boring article - new kitty pic included!

Day 1,646, 08:07 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33

Senate Election article:

I really hate writing these, as I'm not a naturally great writer. If I can write something in 10 words instead of 100, I'll pick the 10. This always ensured that I've scored rather poorly at school when essay writing was being marked by my teachers. I know people who can try to write my 10 words and swear they can't do it in under 100 words. Never quite sure if I envy or despise them for that talent...

It's 1am here and I'm tired, and probably I'll read this tomorrow and wonder what on earth I was thinking by putting this here. Late nights tend to make my brain do strange things. <--- for anyone who wanted some insight into how my brain works and wonders how I can appear moderately sane some times and not so much at others (look at the time posted on any of these latter things).

Anyway, Vote me into Senate in NSW for APP please?

Thanks muchly.

Have a cute kitty pic of our kitten Rae(she's about 4 months old now):