Borgogian's Government has begun: first considerations

Day 1,417, 10:05 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Swiss citizens,

in date 6th October at 15.00 Bern time and 6.00 Erepublik time, Borgogian's Presidency has begun.

As promised in my program, I will solve some problems related to communication, forum, chat and clarify the diplomatic situation of the country.

I can tell you that my first INNOVATIVE objective has been reache😛 Swiss Government has a new Rizon IRC Channel to host the discussions of my and future Cabinets. The members of the Government have been advised about this new channel and since yesterday night (6th October) they can login to discuss in total privacy each other.
As far as the forum, by the end of this week Ilestis will try again to limit the inscription of spam Bots that write their message inside it.

From the MILITARY point of view, the order for the citizens is to fight in the Resistance Wars, that I highlighted today as prioritary battles. For further details the MoD Uros95 will publish before the end of today an article with some advice for the newborns and the fighting priorities.

These have been the first DIPLOMATIC moves of eSwitzerlan😛 today the MoFA JNArno has sent an introductory message (containing Swiss references and Cabinet) to all the EDEN countries and I personally sent it to France, Germany and Italy Governments, our closest neighbours.

From the ECONOMICAL viewpoint, no Fiscal reform can be done until the Congress comes back, but the Swiss Financial Advisor will be ready to work as soon as the Congress comes back.
The Bank's password is owned exclusively by F4uc0n and he is the only man to be interviewed while considering specific Monetary Aspects of Switzerland regarding donations/provision of money to Military Units and other. I have total trust in him and I think he can make a very good job, as he did in the last months.
At my election as Swiss Country President, the Swiss Confederation Bank owns:

GOL😨 212.74
CHF: 137977.01
PLN: 0.21

The aim is to increase the number of Gold owned by the Bank to create a good reserve for the future, in case of future needs.

The SOCIAL and "forum-spamming" plan will begin on day 10th October and the ambitious objective is to bring some new Real Life Swiss players to Erepublik.

To conclude, the INFORMATION plan has begun this morning, with the useful guide by the Minister of Internal Affairs Luka Tomasevic Tomas and by the end of the week chasaj - the Minister of Information - will publish an article about Swiss and World situation.
With the four guys of Minister of Information, we agreed to publish 3 articles per week plus a sum up of what happened in Switzerland in each week, seen from the eyes of the President.

Stay tuned, soon the World will speak SWISS!