Binda33 for Prime Minister

Day 2,081, 01:46 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33
Binda33 for CP

I will be running again for CP. I feel that the current Govt, while it could have been worse, could have been better, and I intend to put to rights some things that have lapsed this term.


I am a big fan of transparency and communication. I believe that the Senate should be working closely with the Executive Government and should be kept in the loop at all times. Sadly, this term, that did not happen. Senate was kept in the dark even when Senators asked for specific information. This should not happen.

There was also a lot of scope for communication to be improved with allies this term. There was a particular incident where our CP and the Iranian CP miscommunicated on which region they were to Airstrike which ended in our own CP swearing in our public irc room about our allies, calling them names, which should never occur under any circumstances.


Our current Government had big plans to reform the ADF by scrapping most of it. I will not be doing this, but I will make some changes to how our ADF runs, and actually implement them instead of just talking them up!

With the new Mercenary update, this will make it even easier to supply soldiers for important battles, and use less manpower to do so. I plan to use the ADF MU to supply funds to people hitting in Aus battles that we would normally supply via #brostralia. This will make obtaining support for important battles even easier.

Foreign Affairs

I will be coordinating with allies and plan a very active Foreign Affairs team. Hugh Jardon will head this up with some active deputies. Hugh has done a tremendous job in Cabinet this term and I'm sure will do the job proud.

Job openings:

If you would like a position in my proposed Cabinet, please drop me a line! Party affiliation or level is not a concern.