Binda33 for Prime Minister

Day 1,712, 05:25 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33
Binda33 for Prime Minister in Australia

I would like to announce that I am running for Prime Minister in August.

I see a number of issues that I will try to address as Prime Minister. The most pressing being that we are missing part of our Country lately. I will be doing my best to get that back through both diplomacy and/or War. I do not plan on making any nasty deals with our current enemies. If they offer a fair land swap I will bring that to our Senate for discussion and voting.

I won't put up with someone trying to take what is ours:

Until then we will never give up, never surrender!

Speaking of discussions, I plan to improve communication if elected. Communication within our own government and communication to you, the public. I will be making sure that Information will be regularly published in articles and I will be talking with the Senate to make sure they are kept up to date on things.

I intend to have a very active Cabinet. For a while now I’ve felt as if the Cabinet has not worked as a team, and I will be looking into ways to improve and streamline some Departments. I expect a very high level of activity in the Ministers I appoint. I will also add deputies in key areas to both train up newer players and to provide relief for Ministers and a fallback in case any of them are run over by a bus etcetera.

Cabinet lately:

Cabinet under my leadership:

But a little less of Cabinet doing this:

If you are interested being a member of my team, please let me know via a personal message here or in Aus Forums. I’m interested in having some newer players in Internships as well as more experienced players for other roles.

This pic just because it's so cute: