Binda33 for Prime Minister - more

Day 1,716, 01:34 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33

This pic is from the new movie: The Campaign. So funny. clicky it.

Theme music:

Introduction to Me

I’m not the best article writer. It’s not really in my skill set, so I hope you will all forgive me if this isn’t great. I’ll try to include pics to distract from my poor writing style.

I’ve been playing eRepublik for over three years now. I remember my first 2 weeks of essentially two clicking and wondering why I was playing this godawful game. About the time I was ready to give it up I found an article asking new players to join Boot Camp and Aus Forums and never looked back since. Boot camp was great fun with Iwarrior1 leading us. Forums were interesting and lead me to IRC. My first five minutes on IRC were a revelation.

I realised that I play this 95% for the community, which I love.

Since that first time I found the eAustralian community I have been involved 23 times in Cabinet, 26 times in Senate (plus 2 times Non Elected Senate). I was Marshal of Australian Commando Unit Koalas for 8 months (those were the best times of my eLife) and then for Dropbears another few.

I’ve done almost every position in our Government except Prime Minister (CP). I never planned on running for CP, but I feel that we’ve run out of people who are active enough or skilled enough to take on this role so I’m throwing my hat in for it.

What I plan

My foremost plan is to get a working active cabinet together. I want and need for us all to communicate better with each other. I want my cabinet to communicate with me, me with them, and they with each other. I also want more articles released to the public and I want the Senate kept informed.

I’ve had quite a few messages with citizens asking to be in the cabinet, and I intend to accept as many as possible. This may look like I will have a huge cabinet - it is for what we need. But I want to get new people there to learn the roles, and I want backups in case people go AWOL, as happens.

My next big plan is to get our Country back again. I plan to talk with NZ to reach an understanding which will give us peace for the term. It’s pretty obvious by now that Indo does not respond to negotiating of any sort and they will be dealt with as is appropriate. I can’t say more about this yet, but the plans are in place.

It’s going to be a challenging term, I expect. We only have 10 Senators and no regions. I will do our best to lead us. I ask for your support to do so.