B R E A K I N G - N E W S

Day 1,480, 08:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery



The wars are beginning !

Slovenia will declare NE shortly and we will do so also.
Congressmen, when you see the Natural Enemy Law Proposal, please vote yes !

In summary, they win back Romandie but then we get TWO regions (Graubunden and Svizzera italiana).

All with NE bonus !

And... if that isn't enough good news... there is more !
Soon we will have an Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) with our comrades in South Africa !
That will mean even more wars. We just love them wars.

I want to repeat how very important the Swiss Ambassador Program is. We must make our place in the international community. That is the key to long term survival.

Ambassadors will play a very important role in this plus they will gain diplomatic/political experience. They might even win a few influential friends at the same time.

Contact Monsieur Guillontine or Sprne for more information about or to volunteer for the Swiss Ambassador Program.

With my most sincere wishes for all,
