Are you Prepared to go all In?

Day 2,360, 15:45 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

Vote Yes to War Bonds:

Are you prepared to go all in against our oppressors? Your government is but we need your permission first.

Vote yes to support the war bonds program here.

We must continue to make the costs of keeping us wiped greater than the costs of making a deal.

There will be no deal with these oppressors unless they change their attitudes towards us.

The US elite demand unconditional surrender. They demand we give up every current ally we have. They demand we give them whatever territory they want for free, just for the honour of having a few token territories so a few of us can play at congress.

We will not give the backstabbing bastards everything they demand when they have proven themselves to be scrawny rat, pig, dogs.

Stop the disgusting American Federalist pig dog breeding program now. Vote Yes to War bonds.

Or this could be your dog.

One month they have an MPP with us and are talking rental agreement with us. The very next month they NE us trying to get it all for free. Well it is not going to be free.

Just what good is that money doing for us hidden away? Are we saving the gold for a rainy day? Look at the map my friends. It’s all purple rain across our entire country.

Together, let’s go all in against the backstabbing American Federalist pig dogs.

Vote yes to war bonds.

Yours Respectfully,

Exalted Druid
Official something or other.