Anthony Starts His Project Peace Campaign in eArmenia!!

Day 3,128, 18:25 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader, Anthony have said to us this afternoon that he decided to start his groundbreaking Project Peace campaign in the wake of last week's Orlando night club attacks so that in a effort to spread peace and harmony among eArmenians and non-eArmenians alike. The reason he decided to do that is because that he's really tired of wars and conflicts around the world and that the only way to stop that is to encourage and persuade terrorist nations to stop killing people and to give up on guns so that this way, the world's citizens can work together and to love each other, not hating one another because if someone starts to make negative and false claims about a ethnic group, then that group won't feel very happy and as a result, they will feel embarrassed and bombarded.

He also says to us that "The reason why our party is created is that we want our party to promote peace, unity, love in eArmenia, to help people every day and to change lives every time because rival parties in eArmenia don't teaches eArmenians about peace and as a result, they are lying to eArmenians about making eArmenia safer and stronger. The only reason in how to make eArmenia stronger, safer and secured is to persuade and encourage nations to give up guns and to destroy them hardly enough(meaning to throw it in the sea or we can destroy it for them)."

He lastly says that "When Im a politician in eArmenia, I work a lot and serve and protect the interests of eArmenia in a respectful manner but when I see nation are failing to protect the interests of eArmenia, their real intention is to lie, lie, lie, lie, lie and to kill, kill, kill, kill, kill to every people living in this troubled world"

Anthony hopes that his Project Peace project will see eArmenia and the world in a brighter and a happy mode all because of all the nations that will work with us.

He also encourages eArmenians to vote for him next month so that he and every eArmenian can make our nation stronger, safer and secured for future generations in a very, positive manner.

eArmenians, do you think you support Anthony's plan. Answer Yes or No and please include your opinion as well! Thanks and Your Opinion Matters! 🙂