Anthony Plans to Support Some LGBT Rights in eArmenia!

Day 3,123, 18:40 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader, Anthony have announced that he will support some Gay rights in eArmenia so that in an effort for the ALP to reach out to gay and lesbian communities in eArmenia who are forced to hide their sexuality because of the potential concerns that parents and friends might complain to he/she about being gay in eArmenia.

He has also created a roadmap for the approval of some LGBT rights in eArmenia(below) when he's elected as president of eArmenia!

--LGBT Rights Roadmap Approval--

July 2016- If he's elected as President of eArmenia, he will allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the eArmenian military.

August 2016- He will create new laws that will prevent discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people in eArmenia so in order for eArmenia to be a welcoming place for every race.

September 2016- He will put a referendum so that eArmenians can decide if they can allow same-sex marriages to be legal in eArmenia or not.

October 2016- He will allow transgender people to serve openly in the eArmenian military.

November 2016-He will encourage LGBT organizations to build counseling centres so that LGBT people who are unable to come out can seek help.

Anthony says that his roadmap will help eArmenia to be a friendly place for LGBT people, for every eArmenian and for every minority living in eArmenia!
He will also use that LGBT topic as one of the main goals that Anthony wants to achieve when he's elected as President of eArmenia. Unlike other political parties in eArmenia that don't support gay rights, the ALP is the only political party in eArmenia that supports some gay rights. So this means that the LGBT people in eArmenia can turn to the ALP for help.

eArmenians, do you agree with him allowing gay rights to be legal in eArmenia? Answer Yes or No and please include your opinion as well. Thanks! 🙂 Your Opinion Counts!