Anthony Decides to Launch his Bid for the President of eArmenia Next Month!

Day 3,122, 12:08 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader, Anthony have decided to launch his month-long bid for President of eArmenia today so that in a effort for the new ALP to strengthen its commitment in serving every race in eArmenia and to defeat the AFP(deemed conservative) so bad.

This comes after Burundanga2016 lost the election to a ally of the AFP and that Anthony has no choice but to merge the AHC & ALP so that it will enable him to launch his full-blown bid for President of eArmenia.

Anthony says to us that the reason he decided to launch his bid for President of eArmenia is because he wants to tackle more issues that are not well discussed in eArmenian society and that he wants to create a political and a economic roadmap for eArmenia so that the country can keep up the pace with other competing nations who are trying to be the wealthiest countries in eRepublik. He will also put sanctions to Iran once he's elected President of eArmenia so that in a effort to restore peace in eArmenia.

Lastly, he also want to create more unity with the Azerbaijanis and other minorities living in eArmenia so that the new ALP party can truly serve a democratic and a multicultural eArmenia!

Do you think Anthony should become president of eArmenia? Let us know by saying Yes or No and please include your opinion, telling us why he should or shouldn't become president of eArmenia. Thank You! Your Opinion Matters!