Albania in EDEN | Shqiperia ne EDEN

Day 1,581, 06:56 Published in Albania North Macedonia by ¤Anon.4750191¤


After about 5 months on map, Albania reached to be full member of EDEN alliance. Proposed to enter as full member by Romania and voted unanimous by the other members of EDEN, Albania could finally be part of THE BROTHERHOOD. An article came from EDEN's newspaper to announce the full membership of Albania in EDEN. Albania has made big steps and meanwhile we're preparing a secret surprise and we called you to help us here. Albania will advance much more in the near future.
May our membership in EDEN be permanent!
Hail Albania!
Hail EDEN!


Pas 5 muajsh ne harte, Shqiperia arriti te behet anetar i plote i aleances EDEN. Propozuar nga Rumania dhe votuar unanimisht nga pjesa tjeter e anetareve, Shqiperia me se fundmi arriti te behej pjese e VELLAZERISE. Nje artikull doli nga gazeta e EDEN duke lajmeruar per anetaren me te re, Shqiperine. Shqiperia ka bere hapa te medha dhe nderkohe po pergatisim nje surprize sekrete qe ju thirrem te na ndihmoni ketu. Shqiperia do te avancoje shume me shume ne te ardhmen e afert.
Qofte anetaresimi yne ne EDEN i perhershem!
Rrofte Shqiperia!
Rrofte EDEN!