Air Force renaming

Day 1,697, 08:12 Published in USA USA by Ignas2526

As some of you might already know, I'm currently programming new Roster and BOT for Air Force. Since it will be a big change on its own, I thought, that it would be nice time to introduce some other changes and add new things.
One of the things I was thinking would be nice to change, are current wing/division names.

Currently in Air Force there are three wings/divisions: Fighter Wing(FW), Bomber Wing(BW), and Delta Force(DF).

I propose following changes:
Firstly to rename DF to something more Air Force like, because current name lacks feeling of the Air.
There is this nice article on Wiki, what has real United States Air Force Wing names:
Perhaps you like any of them to be used instead of Delta Force?
If you very in-love with Delta Force, then perhaps Delta Wing(DW)?
Second idea is to change Bomber Wing(BW) to Bomb wing, again, because in real United States Air Force there is Bomb Wing, but no Bomber Wing.
Third idea(which will have to become true in one or the other way), is to create one new Wing/Branch for Air Force officers. So far I and some other guys agreed on following name: Air Combat Command(ACC).
Post your opinions, other suggestions and idea in the comments of this article. It is easier to change things around now, while new Roster is still under development.