Aeriala for CP, Let's Talk About Plans

Day 1,285, 09:09 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Now as we all know I'm not one to write walls off text harping on so let me get straight to points without the extravagant filler.

Increased funding for the military. Hardly a unique idea but frankly the country has too much money, let's put it to work. Let's not dwell on the fact that non military members paid into the taxes also, it's a mute point. Anyone wanting to get involved has full opportunity and can join a MU. Instructions are in the welcome message, wiki, on the forums and in weekly articles by our militaries. Let's spend some money to make the country stronger, it's good for the economy, it's good for the country.

War. OK fighting the UK is a hobby and they like picking on our bros in Ireland. I dunno if I can stop this but I'd like to try, let's do something different, something new. I'd like to pull the old, well my old, plan to get us across Portugal and support our allies against Spain. No crap of just fighting someone else's wars, but region swap over there and front line assist the US and our other Terra allies by opening a new front. Unlike Kaz's crazy ideas last month this is extremely doable. With extra military funding, fun.

As I stated yesterday I plan on presenting a newer cabinet full of potential
giving upcomers for CP lots of responsibility and preparing them for the greater role. So far I have onboard the likes of Sperry, Cypherrahl, George Beeman and Wally Cleaver. Think you're cut to be CP some day, send me a PM and I'll consider your application. Cabinet positions will not be honourary, you will be expected to give it your all, you will be given responsibilities.

Regards, Aeriala