Addy Lawrence, Rylde and Canadian Confidence (Survey Results)

Day 1,525, 15:06 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

I have asked and you have answered.

58 entries were received to the survey of which 2 were duplicates. That leaves a final sample of 56 respondents, so a very big thank you to all who took the minute required to participate.

As I promised, once I downloaded and cleaned the master file I removed all profile identifiers (many responded with their names instead of links and so I switched those too). I also worked on the data offline to remove the temptation to see who answered what.

I considered an attempt to create weights to remove some of the bias in the responses (i.e. over or under representation of certain groups) but after I started analyzing I concluded it was a lot of work I might not have time to do. Since I wanted to provide you with data that was at least a little bit relevant, I couldn't wait too long and so you are getting the straight up sample results.

Note that this data was collected before the EZStreet situation hit the news cycle and before the latest indictments against President Addy Lawrence.

Second note, all questions except for the first were voluntary meaning you could leave any or all parts blank if you so chose. Even so, the completion rate was something like 98%. Thank you for your trust.

First of, some profile numbers.

Not surprisingly, those that participated are amongst the most active citizens. 91% of the people who took the survey log in more than once a day, almost three quarter of you for more than an hour total.

This suggest a citizen that is engaged, knows the issues and regularly reads the news.

Along with presence comes greater wealth. Almost half (46.4😵 generate revenues of (over) 1 gold a day before the current inflation in the exchange rate. Surprisingly, over a quarter of you report incomes in the 2 gold and greater range.

Most of the respondents are voters or have voted in the last Presidential elections.

And 71.4% are members of a political party.

Overall the sample is a strong one, the distributions in most categories are decent (if anything Rolo supporters may be slightly under-represented while Rylde supporters participated in greater numbers).

Satisfaction in our elected officials.

The question where I ask who you voted for in the last election was meant as a filter for the follow up satisfaction questions with regards to our leadership.

The breakdown of the Presidential vote in the sample is as follows:
Addy Lawrence 46.4%
Rylde 26.8%
Rolo Tahmasee 12.5%
Jessy Izzo and nucksalltheway, 1.8% each
Did not vote 10.7%

Of course we know that Rolo eventually finished second so keep that in mind for the rest of the results of this survey.

Overall, at the time people answered, there was a positive view of the Executive. 50% of you said you approved the job they were doing while another 19.6% were undecided. Of those that voted Addy, fully 80% of you approved, meaning the support for the President was still strong at that point.

Congress did not fare quite as well although the results tilt slightly positive; 41.1% approved vs. 37.5% disapproved.

These two questions seems to suggest that the Executive branch was doing a better job of providing leadership and direction. Considering Addy's style of top-down management and his sometimes heavy-handed interventions in Congress, these results are not surprising.

This may also reflect a quieter than usual Congress. There have been less articles published on what has been going on and fewer leaders raising their voices for the masses.

Was Canada moving forward?

50% of survey respondents thought Canada improved on the social and economic front under Addy's leadership. This matches the number who approved of the job done by the Executive. Although positive, the results remain a little surprising considering that most of his terms as President also coincided with improved food and weapon bonuses. The underlying message here is that even though we have bettered ourselves through our pocketbooks, the social fabric of Canada has deteriorated. And that is the responsibility of everyone.

Where Addy's team's impact may have been felt the most is in our relationship with our allies. Here 60.7% agree that our situation improved while only 14.3% think it got worse. Often the fate of countries is predicated on the strength of its allies. A good example can be seen in what has happened to the forces of ONE. As their satellite members weakened so did the core and eventually even their most powerful empires were reduced to ashes.


The survey was published shortly after President Addy Lawrence issued an executive order to have himself impeached and therefore removed as head of our country. As we know, a super majority of Congress rejected the order and Addy remains in his seat, albeit nominally.

Did the actions of Congress match the mood of the electorate?

The answer is yes. 71.4% rejected the call to have the President impeached although not all agreed on the best way to move forward. The most popular scenario, by a very slim margin, was to have an interim leader named while Addy remained in control of the buttons.

Only 7.1% wished to see Rolo take the helm while a good proportion wanted Congress to initiate the process of having both Addy and Rolo impeached to allow third place finisher Rylde manage affairs.

February race.

All candidates have not come forward yet and with one or two exceptions none have started campaigning. However, I was curious to see if the people taking the survey had personal preferences of who they would like to see run for office. A total of 20 names were put forward (full list below).

The most popular response was... non-response. This makes sense and it was also the only part of the survey to receive blanks.

8 names received more than one mention. The top three most popular at this time are:
Rylde 12.5%
Nosyt 10.7%
Kronos Q 8.9%

What is worth pointing out at this point is that EPIC and MDP were the two best represented parties in the survey. Other multiple mentions like Rolo would be receiving the unanimous support of his party. Octavian_F and Kronos Q had the support of multiple parties while Nosyt had the most support amongst respondents that are not current members of a political party.

Did not respond 17.9%
Rylde 12.5%
Nosyt 10.7%
Kronos Q 8.9%
Octavian_F 7.1%
Rolo Tahmasee 7.1%
Sperry 5.4%
Chamrajnagar 5.4%
Muglack 3.6%
Addy Lawrence, Alias Vision, CFovetS, Cozza, Etemenanki, EZStreet, Homer J Simpson, James McNamara, JFStpierre, Simon Boucher-Ruest, Trenton Rendell and Tyrael Snow all garnered 1.8% support.

Flash Poll.

I would like readers to use the comments below for a flash poll. Would you like to see more of these surveys/articles? What you just read and participated in amounts to roughly 4 hrs of work. It could easily swallow a lot more time for more detailed analysis. If the support is there, I will continue. I'm even considering asking the Government for funding so that I may pay citizens to respond, hopefully contributing to increasing the sample.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.