Acts of Contrition: Larni 4 CP

Day 1,536, 16:59 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Approaching the end game for this months CP election and as you can see my opponents are starting to struggle. Due credit to Mark Brennan for not getting involved, but it has become quite apparent that his party are resorting to desperate measures including releasing articles with the single intent of twisting the reality of the situation with their lies and their manipulations. There is no political twist in these statements, nothing of substance. Just blantant offensive nonsense.

People who know me well understand that attempting to intimidate me, or troll me, will avail them not at all. I would not be much of a leader if I simply bucked and crumbled under this manner of attention. Truth is, that if I can stand eye to eye with leaders around the world, poorly constructed undermining articles will do nothing more than mildly amuse me.

But I will not waste time with long winded narratives, instead I will tell you who I am.

I am someone who believes in freedom and the great nation we have fought so hard for. This is not something I will ever give up. I do not claim to know it all, there are gaps in my knowledge that I have filled with Cabinet Officials and Advisers more than capable of not only expressing their point to me but making clear cut decisions on their own. I will not micromanage my cabinet with questionable motives or under the table party politics.

I am a firm believer in transparency, as Gov officials we work for the people and must likewise be held accountable for our decisions. The Senate is a key to this and an unused commodity. I will break down the walls.
I believe the future of this nation resides in our new players. I will harness their drive and determination to create a better nation, these are the future CP’s of tomorrow and the precedents we set now will determine our legacy.

There is a transition happening in eAus, it has been happening for a while. The Old School warriors and freedom fighters are taking a back seat allowing our country to evolve into what it must be to survive in this game. I believe that if I become CP I will be a chief architect in that evolution.
The noose is getting tighter around the necks of the powermongers. It is time to break free of our constraints and set our nation along the path of rebirth.

Remember when you vote, you are not simply voting for this month’s CP but you are voting for the future of eAus.