A small note about Java and getting Brazil into the game.

Day 1,432, 18:21 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

If ever there was a case of listening to everyones opinions this has to be it.

Many of you will be unaware of the game we were playing, of the need to stratigically lose battles and what not. Truth is that now none of that matters now.

What does is that it was Wozzup who stated the obvious to all of us too blind to see it. It was Wozzup, a young up and coming player and member of the eAus community and ADF, who sealed the plan on how to lock eIndo into WA so that Brazil could attack.

I commend him and on behalf of eAus thank him for all his hard work behind the scenes and the one off handed comment that lead to the fall of Java.

Thank you Wozzup.
