A New Horizon

Day 1,224, 09:50 Published in Philippines USA by Jude Connors

Today's Music: Dredg - Penguins In The Desert

It's been five days since I made The Philippines my home, and it's time to get to work! I've settled in over here for the most part, and made my home with a group of natives on Mindanao known as the Lumad.

When I first made my way to the tribe, they were taken aback at the sight of an American hippie...

...but soon they welcomed me with open arms. In fact, they threw me a welcoming party...

...and even gave me a guide to help me learn the ways of the land...

...and accepting me into their tribe. They even have shown me to their greatest agricultural accomplishment - a garden that a hippie can only dream of...

I am proud to be in a community where my opinions matter and my ideas are truly appreciated.

But the time has definitely come to get to work.

I am so happy to be a part of the ePhilippines, I want to make it the premiere vacation destination in the New World. That is why I am working with others on a plan I call HorizonSun.

HorizonSun is a multi-part plan to invigorate activity into the ePhilippines. To begin with, I would like to see a team of people that get important messages out to the citizenry and also welcome newcomers to the archipelago daily. This can start to be accomplished with the formation of the Commission on Information and Communications Technology.

CICT will be split into multiple groups, each specializing in a certain facet to reach its goal. Today I want to speak about just one idea - the Bureau of Communications Services.

The Bureau of Communications Services will be a tool used to promote news that helps citizens of ePhilippines. There will be articles like this and this posted with each article by the BCS. ePhilippine players will be asked to vote for the articles to make them entire the Top Five. The BCS articles will be posted both on site and offsite - in the NEWS section of the ePhilippines Forum.

This will give newcomers to the ePhilippines a list of helpful and noteworthy news articles.

COMING NEXT - A program to help new eFilipinos.

I have come to the ePhilippines to reinvigorate my eLife here as a member of this community and make this nation better.
Jude Connors