A letter from eSerbia

Day 1,118, 15:07 Published in Bulgaria Serbia by eSerbian MoFA

Bulgarian translation

Greetings eBulgaria

Please spare a few minutes of your lives and read this official address eSerbia, it will be useful for understanding our present state of relations between our two great nations.

The purpose of this open letter is to finally clear things up concerning intentions of eSerbia towards eBulgaria and our plans for the future. First and foremost, we do not have any territorial pretensions in eBulgaria! There is no need to repeat this any more, this is the final answer to all those who wish to start a fight between us! Everyone can see that we (eSerbia) have already set our goal and it is to go west. The selection of the natural enemy speaks for itself, no surprise there though. High grain region in the WSR is a reason that needs no further elaboration.

As far as eBulgaria is concerned, you do not need to worry. If it is neutrality you choose, than we will respect your choice. You are a sovereign nation with every right to go and do what your heart and mind says. You’ve been a great ally and a friend and that will not be forgotten. It’s actually a small miracle to see an alliance last this long on this blood-soaked piece of Earth that we call Balkan.

Anyway, just to resume one more time without making it too long, you can feel safe as far as we are concerned. Our wish is for you to stay in Phoenix but if your choice is neutrality than so be it. We’ll never forget the help that came from you in the times of our greatest need!
Ignore the trolls and hotheads, they brought no good to any country.

Greetings eBulgaria, stay well!

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the eRepublic Serbia
Plesen'-1 Kistru Oply1389