A Disquiet follows my Soul.

Day 1,521, 01:30 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Since Srg’s convincing win in the CP election I have kept quiet. Being CP is a hard enough job as it is without being bombarded constantly by articles that raise questions over every decision made. Srg was elected, he is CP and apparently his only flaw so far has been the questionable inclusion of certain people in his cabinet. There is no need to name names, the truth is out there.

There usurpers are seeking to position themselves for a shot at next months Presidential election and are endangering our nation for their own political power plays.

Srg has remained true to his promises, eIndo have not even looked at us sideways... granted they are presently occupied with eChina but that takes nothing away from the fact that our nation continues to possess peace. Strictly speaking both nations have kept to the deal and there is no reason to change it.

One day the deal will be broken but let it not be us who cast the first stone. Srg has also upped our MPP’s to 14, my promise was 15 so he is not too far off doing exactly what I was planning.

The TRAINING WAR with eNZ, is simply that. A training war, and one that was much needed by our community. It was I who originally brought up the idea with both eNZ and eAus dCP’s and there was no grand motive behind it other than the fact that we need it. In my election campaign I planned on a TW with eNZ, again Srg has followed through with it.

So the political articles of the past few days are simply nonsense and lies by disgruntled cabinet officials who obviously lack the loyalty to remain true to the elected official of this nation which in turn brings any future Country Presidential ambitions of theirs into question.

One thing we must be wary of is the rumours that eAus will be joining ONE. I promise you that is never going to happen, these rumours, allegedly created by Argentina, are nothing more than propaganda as they attempt to justify a potential attack on eAus in the future.

I believe in a strong nation, a complete nation and presently we are. We possess all of our states and are engaged in a TW that will continue to gather the strength of our military. I am not well versed in the economy, (nor do I really care) but logically we have a full country plus 2 eNZ regions, so we should be doing pretty good on that score.

Certain people simply need to stfu and stop attempting to manipulate lies in the media that are nothing more than pathetic attempts to undermine the elected government of this nation.

You’re doing well Srg, keep it up.