5 Gold loan to Training Ground upgrade

Day 1,630, 15:01 Published in Japan Japan by Geezus

5 Gold interest free loan to training ground upgrade

As Minister of Finance I hardly belive that money should work and it is not for "pile up".

At this moments we have a 44% less promotion for training ground upgrades.

Each upgrade means more strength and cca 0,1 Gold income daily to his owner!
That is why to upgrade training grounds is a best investment now!

I hope many eJapanese will take the possibility and will upgrade their training grounds!

Since the promotion is only for limited period we try to give the chance for upgrade to people who don't have enough gold for this at the moment.
We offer 5 G interest free loan for them!

Main conditions:
-You should use this money for upgrade one of your training ground
-You should give back the loan as soon as possible. At the latest as You get an achievement! This means you can pay back this loan in one month!

Additional conditions:
-You should be an eJapanese citizen
-You should be at least level 26 25 UPDATED!
-You should have at least one hard worker and one super soldier medal

If You are interested please write a comment with the following details:
-What kind of training ground do you want to upgrade
-When the loan is expected to return
