Day 1,467, 15:16 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


Well, Congress elections were.... errrr.... fun this month. Unfortunately, I was not able to get enough votes to get into Congress this month. Don't cry for me, though; as I plan to run again and again.

In review, last month was pretty much uneventful. This is not saying it was a failure, since the daily donations and renewal of military alliances with our allies went unscathed, which is the most important duty of a Congressman, but any other discussion was... well nonexistent.

No it means nothing anymore since I am not a Congressman, but I think Congress will be on the right step is Eli Crownover is elected Speaker of the House. Mr. Crownover has multiple terms of Congressional Leadership experience and we have already spoken about goals for the incoming Congress. He is a great and capable leader who can lead Congress and deserves the opportunity.

One of the first matters I think Congress should address is one that was written about earlier today by Drummermike. In an article subtly titled, USAF Funds, the former Congressman plainly wrote, "The USAF is out of money, recently we have ran into a deficit." He goes on to write that "We do not know how this is possible," before begging the actual members of the United States Armed Forces - the OFFICIAL military branch of the eUSA - to donate "money or extra raw food or weapons to either" him or Stephen Goldsmith.

I am sure I am not the only American shocked at such news. So I went to the man who sits in the Oval Office to see what's up. I have spoken to President GoalieBCSC and he along with military leadership are looking into the situation as we speak.

I also spoke to General Stephen Goldsmith, the Commanding Officer of eUSAF Army, who also assured me that there is already an on-going investigation. As of right now, it is looking like a QM issue.

It's time for Congress to audit the entire system. I don't doubt the investigation by the military and the President, but since Congress is charged with handling the funds and according to the Constitution:

3.11: Budget Allocations
Any budget line holders (Organizations that receive Gold or any currency from the Congressional Budget Office according the US Budget) must, at the request of Congress, submit a report to Congress (or the Select Committee on Intelligence depending on sensitivity).

This being said, it is time for Congress to step up and resolve an issue such as this. After all, we are talking about $390,900.00 a week!

Omnia Vincit Amor. Even death.

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