1,000 Days Celebration and Q6 Tank Giveaways!

Day 1,663, 08:37 Published in USA Canada by Alias Vision

Today marks a very special day for me. Today is the 1,000th consecutive day that I've logged in and worked. There is no medal for that even though it could be argued that it would be one of the most difficult achievements if it were available.

You can't buy a 1,000 days. You can't get your friends to give you days. It is purely a marathon. One that is depended on the stability of the game, updates, as well as real life commitments, triumphs and tragedies.

Before I go too much farther... I want to celebrate with all of you that happen to stop by and read. For the first 100 persons who comment below quoting their vote number, I will donate 10 q6 tanks. So in total 1,000 tank giveaway!

I have been very lucky in this journey. Even in the most difficult times when admins made changes that rendered the game unavailable temporarily, I managed to get in and get my work done. The streak survived V1, V2, the reboot. It was put in question many times but the addiction prevailed.

On a personal note it survived a spell of uncertain job situation. It was not stopped as my family went from two young children to now expecting our fourth in October.


I've had some really good times and many things that I'm proud of during these 1,000 days. Some goals I've achieved that I was sure would never happen.

For instance I'm extremely grateful and proud to have been CP of Canada. That was one medal that I thought was out of reach but timing proved to be everything.

I was lucky enough to gain my media mogul medal before they changed the media module. I've invested massive amounts of hours writing within the context of this game and my article archive has a lot of history in it. The only articles to ever get deleted from it were duplicates. So it has everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.

My hard worker medals are the only ones that compare on the international stage and have become an addiction.

My next Congress win will symbolize two years of political duty.

I'm a completist so the array of lit up medals brings me a lot of pleasure. That I probably will never achieve the top fighter medal bothers me but I will have to accept it (I once believed I would never get a campaign hero medal either and I managed that so never say never).

I have a q6 company.

I've achieved virtually all of the game achievements and awards.

Some things never get recorded though, they require extreme dedication, often go unnoticed but are generally the reasons people stick around as long as I have.

I once wrote 30 articles in 30 days. There will never be a medal for that either but it was a lot harder than clicking the work button. For one thing I wanted my articles to have content and not just be throw away pieces. That month easily had over 100 hrs of work invested in it.

Most know The Crimson Order (TCO). Virtually none know my history and involvement in it. When Bruck started the group, it didn't look like it would survive long term. For one thing Banach's mercenary band had the higher profile and louder voices at least at first. What we had were a few members of Congress that could speak and defend our interests. Before Rylde, TemujinBC and Addy Lawrence... TCO (then Bruck's Canucks) survived because Ralph de Ver and myself organized the first slave pits. The model at the time was not perfect and it was on a voluntary basis but the seeds were planted for a ridiculously successful management model.

At one time I spent about three months supplying TCO with all their iron needs. It saved the group a ton of money and allowed the stockpiles to first be created.

I always played more of an advisory role though and occasionally a supply one. In other words not visible ones. So when my activity level lowered and I wasn't a full member anymore, my account and name was purged from the TCO forums. That would probably be one of the lowlights of the past 1,000 days.

My most difficult time came recently with my decision to leave Canada for the USA. You can't spend years in one place and not develop a deep sense of ownership and attachment. The decision was the right one however. Without exception my interactions here have been positive ones (yes, including that time I was called a danger).

I have played with a high level of ethics although that doesn't mean my hands are completely clean. I'm the one who got into Bruck's ear with the concept of taking over South Africa for TCO. It never ended up working that way as the mission purpose changed very early but the intent was still there. I also fantasize about what it would have been like to take the gold that was recovered during my administration. I'm too much a goody two shoes as some have accused me, I could never have pulled it off. Yes, yes... I would make a boring villain.

I still have goals. Having just reached legendary status, I want that god of war designation. I would like to have a media presence again someday although that is the most visible impact of my diminishing leisure time. After work and chasing the kids all evening... I have very little literary energy left. I still care about politics, medal 24 would hold a lot of symbolism for me but unless I can contribute (which I haven't recently), I don't think I deserve another.

Once in a while, admin get something completely right. They are due and I'm looking forward to witnessing when that time comes again.

To all my readers, thank you. I would never do this journey alone and we don't become addicts without interesting people providing us our fix.

To those younger than me that inspire me, you are my political/media/philosophical protégés I never had nor had the wisdom to acquire.

To those older than me, stick around. I need your continued guidance to see where I'm going next.