[WTP] Hekter 4 PP!

Day 3,252, 00:33 Published in USA Croatia by Selak Ivan

Hello WTPers!

Last two days, we had a close primary in our party. Hekter and I were the two candidates, and we both had campaign articles. After two days of voting, Hekter won over me!

Actually, I didn't know Hekter very well. Only thing I could know about him(I hope I am right about Hekter's gender) was that he was quite a great player in the past and came back to the game recently. He had great amount of forum posts, and he was well-known player. That is all I knew about him.

While the primary was going on, we didn't actually privately PMed each other but I was able to listen to his words at the newspaper, feed posts, and mass PM. His words were kind and I could see that he is respecting all others. I prepared for a long time for this election but I am happy with the primary result because Hekter is the one who can be a way better party president than me.

Do you remember my promises I made in my campaign articles?

Recruiting & Gaining More Votes

Even though I am not going to be WTP party president this month, I am going to aim these things this month. Hekter kindly asked me to be his Vice President and I gladly accepted. I am going to work with Cubby, our latest party president, on recruiting members to our party. Also, we are going to aim high votes in each elections of this month.

The first start is party president election.

There are only one candidate(Hekter), but this is going to be our starting line. I want to know how many players are actually with us and reading WTP's campaign articles by this election.

In the past, we didn't vote in elections because we get some experience points when we vote. However, we don't have any reason to skip voting after the aircraft update. Level is not a big deal now.

So vote people.

Vote Hekter for WTP party president!

Comet Academy