[WRP] - Proposed Congressional Representation

Day 3,504, 15:55 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

The Workers' Rights Party in Congress

The Workers' Rights Party brings any Congress a firm base of approachable and active members never afraid to stand up for what is right for the citizen and the eUK. Our Members of Congress stand for fairness, equality and integrity.

We have not been in the Top 5 of the UK's political parties since December 2016 and whilst we've work in coalition to enable a handful of Congressional Members from our party most subsequent terms our influence in Congress has not been as large as we would have liked.

Now back in the Top 5 the Workers' Rights Party offer a credible alternative to the other Top 4 UK political parties for you to consider voting for if you haven't been happy with the efforts of your Congressional Representation as of late.

Our Proposed Congressional Order

yurigavin - An eleven-time Member of Congress who is keen to get back into politics after a little break and has a pretty free summer to become heavily involved in eUK politics once again.

wingfield - A twenty-six-time Member of Congress who will alongside our other candidates "guard against nonsense and keep an eye on tax levels, especially the work tax (2-3😵 and the house import tax (absolute minimum 5😵"

Huey George - I'm a twenty-two-time Member of Congress, who has served as Country President on three occasions and holds a vast amount of Ministry of Finance experience. I want to once again get involved in Congressional matters as I feel lately our Congressional representation has been ineffective as the working representation of the citizenry of the UK they are elected to represent. I'll bring a strength of financial insight, a good grasp of foreign affairs and a solid grounding on military matters to parliamentary discussions.

Hakan the Navigator - A four-time Member of Congress. Hakan wants Congress to work better and to better inform those they represent. He would also like to ensure all Workers' Rights Party seats are filled.

SirGurkhaOfTheMemes - Another four-time Member of Congress. Who I feel has a lot to offer the eUK with a seat in Congress.

ed11125 - If Ed obtains a seat in Congress, it would be his first. I feel he can offer a valuable advice as a citizen working hard to increase his aircraft rank.

Sir Rex Fleddington - A seven-time Member of Congress. Who when asked "Why are you a candidate to represent the UK and the WRP in Congress next term?" produced this marvelous answer

"The idea of candidacy in todays eRep is something to be questioned to it's very essence in order to completely understand the inner workings of what it is for One to choose to be a candidate. The ergonomics of congress have left activity levels of the UK to the point of receding within itself, cooling debates between the two juxtapositions and thus, unlike that of the heating of metals, allows for one position to takeover much of the debates with little substance other than that of basic charismatic soundbites and blatant ad hominem. Now you are probably thinking to yourself, 'why does a man already moulded by this very system have the indecency of calling its bluff by giving the impression that shouting into the void changes the essence of the void', and all I can say is that I do not wish to be a man of that nature. You see, your question is correct in all of its faculties and thus I do not implore the hope of those around me that change is inevitable. In fact change is not inevitable, and will not occur, but this is not to say that the product of the two factors (myself and congress) do not have an effect at all. Many people have challenged this idea, of a vanguard of individuals protecting the workers ideals, being a sufficient mechaninism but they forget that without the Vanguard the mechanism would not exist in the first place in order for the defence of the workers to even be a consideration in congressional debates. In concurrance with these undeniable truths, I implore you not to see me as a man looking to gain everything and give nothing, nor a man that will sacrifice others for the sake of inactivity in the face of further class divisions, but as a man that will maintain the pillar of consistent and unwavering humanity that will only wither away without the maintainence of such a status quo."

Michael Ludgate - A three-time Member of Congress, who has served as Speaker of the House on three occasions. If he obtains a seat I'm sure he'll once again offer the Congressional processes of this country vauble support.

Thorski - An eight-time Member of Congress. Thorski would like to ensure all Workers' Rights Party seats are filled and support our party and the UK by being an active member of Congress.

Aaron Mark Daniels - A seventeen-time Member of Congress, who has served as Country President on four occasions, former Orion Alliance Leader with an excellent and long record of service as our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Aaron wants to represent those who want a fair society be that in Congress and the gracious party that he has been apart of for close to three years now.

Please consider giving our party your support and vote on the 25th, and we will deliver active and dedicated Congressional representation that rises above the petty partisan politics sometimes too apparent in the UK. With Members of Congress who stand for fairness, equality and integrity.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Former Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom