[WRP] - For a Bright Free Future

Day 1,795, 11:37 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
No Gods, No Kings, Only Men

I’d like to ask you to consider joining the Workers’ Rights Party

The WRP want to make sure the eUK is full of dedicated active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

Low wages equals servitude

The WRP in power would ensure wages are increased for all workers of the eUK and British companies get a fairer price for the weaponry and food produced.

Current low wages and weapon and food prices means, if you’re not a big producer you are effectively a slave. The WRP won't stand for this! True freedom means choosing your own path with fair wages not queuing for government or philanthropists’ handouts.

Government should not be the power, it should facilitate for the people's will

The WRP would change this, daily income from taxes is around £8,000 a day and around £240,000 a month. The eUK’s current alliances cost us roughly around £130,000 a month. Fair wages and weapon and food prices would improve government income.

The WRP would spend current tax income and extra income and reserves to the benefit and inline with the will of the eUK public.

The WRP would ensure that alliances are not the only benefit the government is providing the average eUK citizen and that all government spend is used fairly and widely to help all eUK citizens how ever they play the game.

Currently it can seem that the eUK's tax income is only used for wealth generation and schemes which force citizens to live in a fix established way if you want your taxes to work for you, “Join this national army” “Sign up to the forum”, "Call out for handouts" “Say the right thing at the right time”

The Workers Rights Party wants to break these chains. The government should be servants of the people not lords and masters deciding which citizens should benefit and which citizens should suffer.

The people should decide

Key issues are often discussed and decided away from the average eUK citizen; again the WRP will bring to the fore. All major decisions regarding the development of the eUK should be discussed with the people. Referendums should be held via the media and to be part of the decision makers eUK there should be no requirement to be “part” of the forums. The eUK forums should just be an additional fun bonus for those who choose to occupy their time there.

The Workers' Rights Party doesn't ask to be put in power however it requests to return power to all eUK citizens.

The Workers’ Rights Party is run by a leadership council although all members have an equal say. This council currently consist of

Chaos Reaper is the current Party President. In the WRP the Party President decides overall party strategy, maintains and enhances the party's reputation, encourages recruitment, decides party policy and gives new party members help and guidance. They also keep informed regarding the political situation of the eUK including any foreign politics which may affect the eUK.

Huey George is the current Vice President. In the WRP the Vice President supports the Party President in deciding overall party strategy, maintaining and enhancing the party's reputation, encouraging recruitment, deciding party policy and providing help and guidance to new party members. They also help keep the Party President informed regarding the political situation of the eUK including any foreign politics which may affect the eUK.

myheadstone is the current Councillor. In the WRP, the Councillor supports the party president in deciding the policy which guides of the party and keeping the PP informed regarding the current political climate of the eUK.

The Workers Rights Party is currently looking for a Secretary General and Spokesman, these roles could be filled by you;

The Secretary General would be expected to support the Party President in our recruitment policy and advice on the general morale and spirit of the party. An independent check that the Party President and Vice President are keeping our members happy

The Spokesperson would be expected support the Party President in representing the party via the media to let the citizens of the eUK know what the party stands and the party's views on the state of the eUK. They would also support the Party President and Vice President in maintaining and enhancing the party's reputation. They would also work with the Secretary General to recruit new members.

Join today!

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit