[WRP] - As it is a slow news day why not

Day 3,091, 09:13 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

...join the Workers' Right Party

New? Disenfranchised? Looking for a place to contribute your views? The Workers’ Rights Party are asking you to join us!

We encourage respect in public dialogue. We aim to set a positive example that elevates the quality of politics in our country. This should enable a more intelligent dialogue on public issues to attract all citizens to take part. This will rise us all above the partisanship which at times threaten to cripple our country. The Workers’ Rights Party in a prominent strong position in the UK political spectrum will help all citizens in our society.

Our aim is to give all citizens access to fair wages, fair reward, equal opportunities and a co-operative society, where more citizens volunteer to work together for their mutual social, economic, and cultural benefit. The Workers’ Rights Party believe a fully co-operative society is a happy, strong and industrious society and our party can lead the UK to this where others have faltered.

How can you help?

You can provide your views of the 'new world', whether you are a new citizen or an experienced citizen or somewhere in between.
You can identify with our goals and want to help shape the future policies of the Workers' Rights Party
You want to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government.
You want to use your skills and experience to help the efforts of the Workers' Rights Party
You want to influence other citizens to get them to also to join the party.
You want to be part of the Government and/or take up seats in Congress(Parliament).
You value creativity, community and freedom.
You are a hard worker, who'd like to be fairly rewarded for the effort you put it.

Join the Workers’ Rights Party – Together we can work towards a better, stronger and brighter eUK

Thanks for reading

Huey George

Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Councilor of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder and Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Current Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Former Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom