[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 8

Day 1,860, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


Edition 8 of a View from Parliament has been a “draft” for about a week. I’ve struggled to find time to spend in the office of the Daily eWorker to get this publish. However here it is, with 5 law proposal to update you on, details of the citizens application I've approved on the request of the Citizenship Committee and a brief mention about my short tenancy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I’ll end with my plans to secure a possible 2nd term as one of your Congress(Parliament) representatives.

Law proposals

The first law proposal was;

President of Spain proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES, This was because Spain is among the UK’s most powerful and helpful allies, long may our friendship continue. We are in the “TWO” alliance together. Our existing MPP with Spain has allowed our citizens opportunities at times to fight in their wars to gain experience whilst supporting allies and improving our new world reputation. We are currently holding the Azores to for the benefit of TWO, Spain and the UK.

The vote ended;
32 YES votes to 1 NO vote in the UK
33 YES votes to 3 NO votes in Spain

The next was;

Canada has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted NO. This was because, the congress member who proposed this, again hadn't discuss this with any other congress members or the country president or his cabinet.

The vote ended;
6 YES votes to 24 NO vote in the UK

The next was;

President of Poland proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES, This was because like Spain, Poland is among the UK’s most powerful and helpful allies, long may our friendship continue. We are in the “TWO” alliance together. Our existing MPP with Poland again like Spain has allowed our citizens opportunities at times to fight in their wars to gain experience whilst supporting allies and improving our new world reputation. Many of our citizen and MU also benefit from our close relationship to obtain extra resource bonuses.

The vote ended;
32 YES votes to 2 NO votes in the UK
38 YES votes to 1 NO vote in Poland

The next was;

Portugal has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted YES, to support our war effort against Portugal for our TWO allies. As mentioned earlier, we are currently holding the Azores to for the benefit of TWO, Spain and the UK.

The vote ended;
33 YES votes to 2 NO votes in the UK

A counter proposal in Portugal proposing the United Kingdom as Natural Enemy also succeeded

8 YES votes to 0 NO vote in Portugal

The final law proposal was;

President of Slovenia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES, This was because like Spain and Poland, Slovenia is among the UK’s most powerful and helpful allies, long may our friendship continue. We are in the “TWO” alliance together. Our existing MPP with Slovenia again like Spain and Poland has allowed our citizens opportunities at times to fight in their wars to gain experience whilst supporting allies and improving our new world reputation.

The vote ended;
28 YES votes to 3 NO votes in the UK
35 YES votes to 0 NO votes in Slovenia

As always I welcome the view of my constituents. Please feel free to comment or personal message me.

Citizenship approvals

As per the request of the UK Citizenship Committee I’ve accepted the following three citizens into the United Kingdom.

Jona L

If you happen to come across them please give them a warm welcome to the eUnited Kingdom. I'm sure each of them will benefit our society and in turn benefit themselves.


As many of you know I was a Minister of Foreign Affairs and about a week ago, BigAnt let me go and replaced me with another citizen because of my IRC activity. I completely respected this decision because BigAnt’s cabinet relied on a great deal of IRC activity. However I believe I had a lot to offer this role and was just finding my feet however IRC activity was something I was going to struggle to provide this month. In another month or within another CP’s cabinet I believe I could be of a greater success in this role. I've enjoyed the freedom of leaving BA's cabinet to concentrate on matters in the Workers' Rights Party and Free British Irregulars.

Closing thoughts

Finally I’m in the closing stages of negotiating to run with a top 5 party, so the Workers’ Rights Party once again may be represented in Congress(Parliament). I am greatly pleased by this as I would be excited once again to try and serve you my constituents to the best of my abilities once again. An article will be released tomorrow, if all things go well.

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

How can you help?

Join the Workers’ Rights Party – Together we can work towards a better, stronger and brighter eUK

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs