[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 5

Day 1,845, 06:01 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


A long overdue “A view from Parliament”, this article will discuss a few law proposals, two completed and one outstanding. I’ll also mention a little bit about our new Country President, my thoughts of being appointed a Minister of Foreign Affairs. I'll end with some brief statistics about the allies we currently hold MPP with.

Law proposals

The two completed law proposals are;

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Slovakia.

I voted YES, This was because although ranked 60th Slovakia has been a supportive ally and our existing MPP has allowed our citizens opportunities at times to fight in Slovakian wars to gain experience whilst supporting allies and improving our new world reputation.

The voted ended;
30 YES votes and 4 NO votes in the UK
35 YES votes and 1 NO vote in Slovakia

President of Latvia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES, This was because I believed although slightly weaker than the UK, Latvia are a good ally. Again like Slovakia, our existing MPP with Latvia has allowed our citizens opportunities at times to fight in Latvian wars to gain experience whilst supporting allies and improving our new world reputation

The voted ended;
28 YES votes and 2 NO votes in the UK
32 YES votes and 0 NO votes in Latvia

The one pending law proposal is;

Belgium has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I plan to vote NO. This is because as I understand the arrangement our Country President has come up with the Belgian Country President. The Belgian congress is currently voting YES to NE-ing us, this enables us to have a training war. We will hold our NE in reserve in-case the UK is threaten with a real war from an opportunist neighbor, as many of you already know, if this law proposal is successful in the UK, the UK would have to wait 7 days before its congress could vote again for a Natural Enemy.

Currently the vote stands (05.53 Day 1,845 of the New World);
7 YES votes to 24 NO vote in the UK
19 YES votes to 1 NO votes in Belgium

Although as always I welcome the view of my constituents. Please feel free to comment or personal message me.

UK Country President Elections
As you all are most likely aware, BigAnt was successful in his campaign to become Country President. This was a great result, not only because BigAnt will make a great CP however also because my party the Workers’ Rights Party supported BigAnt of UKPP alongside New Era.

Here is his cabinet.

Minster of Foreign Affairs

My appointment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Minister was a pleasant surprise. I look forward to working with WayneKerr (Country Vice President - Foreign), Frerk (also Minster of Foreign Affairs), as well as the Junior/Deputy Minsters of Foreign Affairs, Elisa Vorimberg, 5butjam and James Scarlet. And of course the rest of BigAnt's cabinet. As in all matters I will try my best to perform well in this new role and be of help to the UK.


Something I was thinking about before I was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs was that it'd be useful for the average eUK citizen to have a greater awareness of the MPPs we spend our tax income on. So below please find a brief summary.

This hopefully gives you, my constituents, a little more knowledge about the current countries the UK holds MPP with their relative number of citizens and number of fighters (fought in the past 24hrs). All this information you can obtain from http://egov4you.info/countries/overview yourself.

Closing thoughts

I'm a little disappointed to see that not all my fellow congress members are voting in law proposals, please make sure if you are in congress you use your vote.

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The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

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Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Minister of Foreign Affairs