[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 2

Day 1,836, 03:36 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


Here is the 2nd issue of "A view from Parliament", As an elected member of Congress(Parliament) I will continue to do my upmost to ensure I'm inclusive, open and fairly representing you.

Law proposals

From the first issue of A view from Parliament There was one outstanding law proposal I was yet to vote on...

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Lithuania

In the end I voted YES. As mentioned, Lithuania are a good ally to have and I could think of no reason no to have another mutual protection pact with them. Also and more importantly the general consensus I received regarding the matter support this decision.

This vote was ultimately approved by 35 YES votes to 2 NO votes.

Currently there are no law proposals being voted on.

Please if you are not a member of Parliament and you feel strongly that a law proposal should be put forward to be voted upon, let me know and I will consider raising it with my fellow Members of Congress(Parliament).

Forums- Citizenship Committee - Election

I'm not a keen fan of the forums however I can recognize that many of our citizenship enjoy and feel they are vital to the eUK, so as your elected Member of Congress(Parliament) I will try and keep aware and informed for your benefit.

For those who are not aware of the Citizenship Act

The purpose of the Citizenship act is to create a committee which will process applications for UK citizenship, providing a clear yes/no decision for each application which will then be followed by all congress members.

The Committee will have six members elected by congress. All members of the committee must be elected congress members themselves. The exception to this is if the UK elects less than twenty congress members, in which case membership is open to all UK citizens.

Each congress member will have six votes. Each congress member can propose any other member for the committee. Proposals will be on the 26th of each month, congress have until midnight on the 27th of the month to propose. On the 28th of the month a vote is opened for 24 hours.

Each member can vote for the six candidates of their choice. Only two members from each party can be elected. If more than two members from one party reach the top six, only the first two are elected.

The nominated MPs were


-Angel With Attitude


-Blue And Evil



-The Equalist


I voted for 5butjam, Blue And Evil, The Equalist, WayneKerr, Ironfist and Angel With Attitude.

As I felt all were near enough equally able to perform well on this committee, my logic behind the voting was fairly simple, to have one member from each of the parties with nominated candidates and as there were only 5 parties involved I required one wild card. And as I was equally impressed with Ironfists and Angel With Attitude they both got my vote.

Additionally although I didn’t vote for Betafoxtrot or nebojsa.petrovic I’m sure if they form the eventual elected committee they’ll do a great job.

Regrettably I was unable to bring the nominations or elections to your attention in good time for you to influence either however in the future I will stride to bring matters such as these to you as early as possible to ensure fair representation.

As always though I welcome your feedback via comments or personal messages on both the Citizenship Act and my decisions again in this way I can make sure I'm representing you fairly and openly.

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

How can you help?

Join the Workers’ Rights Party – Together we can work towards a better, stronger and brighter eUK

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)