[TheSchuReport] The Korean Situation

Day 3,128, 09:52 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

The Korean Situation

It's so quiet not even a mention in our media of what is going on the Korean peninsula. Let me just break this down. From what I know Republic of China (Taiwan) broke the NAP with South Korea. Surely a statement is coming soon from eUSA President Yui in the media on this developing situation that began days ago. I learned this info that was brought to my intention in a South Korean article in Suyong Time newspaper: http://www.erepublik.com/ko/article/-1344-2600690/1/20.

I deciphered it and this is what it said translated into English:

Hello, I jeongrim.

Nine hundred and one (Caesar), who is the current place of CP's behalf to create the article.

The current time, in 2016, 96 pm NOVEMBER 6: The part 47 minutes before the proclamation of the chongdongwonryeong Gyeongsangbuk-RW.

NAP contract and breach of the Agreement TW Taiwan, and set the CO, such as setting the kaempyein today,

Who ventured a look case an act of aggression on eSK,

And declared war on the current part time, declared a total mobilization in all Taiwan battlefield.

It is unclear why Republic of China (Taiwain) had to break the NAP. What is most certainly clear Pacifica members are acting against the South Koreans since Russia is there also. Surely not for the Kimchi. As a reporter putting out knowledge on Foreign Affairs this I do find worth reporting. Hope to gather more facts on this front and also on other fronts.

In other news this is the response from the North Korean leader on Canada's Rylde foolish claims that Canada annexed North Korea:

I believe North Korea has made their point clear. This is the Schu Report and this is the birth of a new International News Network.