[Swedish Presidential Elections] 5th of December

Day 1,476, 07:06 Published in Sweden Sweden by Radsoc

[This is a message from the Swedish wing of the international Workers' Militia]


The elections of today, unlike earlier elections, are not just about a name, avatar or party name, it is a direct struggle between the interests of newbies, workers and internationalists on one side and bourgeois politicians, officers, their paid henchmen and all other people who handle large sums of government money on the other.

It is a struggle between a minority that is failing to show any signs of progress and a man brought forward by the masses of the people. The passive policies of the last few months have resulted in imperialists literally standing right outside our borders, launching attacks on Swedish regions as we speak. The current government has failed to maintain rational relations with our neighbors and now they are knocking down our doors. It is time we dealt with them, and with the people who put us in this situation. Supporting either side of the imperialists, be they foreign like Romania or domestic like Parsons, only strenghtens them both. Raticon represents a break with the flawed politics of imperialism. Let us choose our battles instead of blindly charging into battle just because someone waves a flag whose color is different than ours.

Raticon is a long time eRepublik member who has supported new players and workers throughout his time here. He has been active in the planning of militia operations and we are strongly supporting him in the elections of today. We suggest you do the same if you value your own interests higher than those of a select minority that rules you.

On another note, we are happy to see that we are the largest militia in Sweden, only scoring second to the regular army in terms of members. We are currently re-organizing leadership in our eight regiments, making sure there's a captain in each of them. Voting Raticon president will allow us to fight battles that have a purpose and not just battles that are a matter of "measuring whose shadow is largest", i.e. inter-imperialist competition.

By voting for Raticon, you vote for yourself!