[ST6] War on the Horizon

Day 1,628, 22:48 Published in USA Greece by Maxx Johnson

While all may look calm for now, there is a pending storm, a looming WAR on the horizon.

In just a few hours the Polish Natural Enemy proposal will pass, and direct war between the eUS and ePoland will open. For many, this will be the first real battle they have fought in in some time. For ST6, this is the culmination of the last ten days of work.

You see, while most were clicking away, happily defending the homeland against resistance war after resistance war that had no chance of failure, SEALs were on the move, hard at work helping to put the pieces together to bring this war about.

First a staging area had to be secured this allowed the eUS to properly move into position and border a then-occupied German region.

Then a German region had to be freed You see, you must bring the enemy close before you can strike.

From there it was necessary to herd the Giant. Forcing them to strike a region adjacent to the eUS.

At long last we have the WAR we so desired

If you are interested mostly in the war module of this game, what you will likely find is that it is not enough to simply mindlessly click a button in a meaningless battle.

By far, it is more engaging to take part in something that is MEANINGFUL, something that is IMPACTFUL, something that is RELEVANT

Here at SEAL Team Six, we do this, and we do it every damn day.

The good news for you is, ST6 is recruiting!

What are the requirements to join SEAL Team Six?
- Willing to work in a commune assignment
- Willing to remain active, follow orders and fight to the best of your ability
- Willing to join the in game MU (we can help secure cs if needed)
- IRC activity is required
- There is no requirement regarding rank or strength, decisions are made on a case by case basis. However, if you are brand new to the game, we strongly recommend that you consider Boot Camp. Their application is located Here

What do supplies look like for SEAL Team Six?
As a member of ST6 all SEALs receive a daily allotment of 22 tanks per day. After you have established yourself as a member and exhibit a high level of activity you may apply for our elite unit, Gold Team. Members of Gold Team receive 33 tanks per day. We also cover food if you require that.

I’m interested, how do I join ST6?
To start the process, please fill out our application http://www.tinyurl.com/ST6Application

If you have any questions regarding recruitment you can contact Maxx Johnson or SgtRock in game. You can also stop by our IRC room in #ST6-Public.

Try some RAWR on for size