[SSG] Update-Top Fighter

Day 1,716, 05:48 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

July 2012 Top Fighter:
1. Shizuma Hanazono: 2058 Kills

x 77 (2000/26) + 1 Gold
2. Velours: 1859 Kills
x 25 (1000/40)
3. ardishabutaro: 1789 Kills
x 19 (750/41)

more info:

Presidential Election
Nowe contacted me about supporting him at presidential election. So, because our founder Vincent and Nowe is old friend, i think i agree to pick him as our choice at 5th.

RL issue
Sorry, can't catch up for latest news and update, because my influenza and very busy at work. At least, this article is published 🙂


SSG Commander, Party President and Warrior